Labor consultancy services

Management and Finance team in labor meeting

The correct fulfillment of labor agreements guarantees a correct elaboration of the payrolls and employment contracts

Head of the Labor Department

952 634 781

We serve you in a personalized way

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You will have a manager for your business

On-site Attention

We believe sometimes it is important to talk about issues face-to-face

We put the best online platform at the client's service

Technological platform

We put at the service of our clients the most complete platform of the market

You can access your documentation through our platform

Access to Documentation

You can access all your documentation in real time through our platform

Labor consultancy services

Types of contracts

  • Consultancy regarding the ideal type of contract.
  • Contractual clauses.


  • Consultancy regarding the suitable type of bonus.
  • Bonus collectives.

Before the work inspection

  • Analysis of the inspection.
  • Preparation of the work-related documentation required by the inspection.
  • Consultancy regarding how to act when faced with an inspection.

Actions taken with the administration: penalties, complaints…

  • Analysis.
  • Action plan.

Study and analysis of payrolls.

Model letters for dismissal and penalties.

Accounting view of payrolls.

Checking / calculation of the IRPF to apply to the payroll, of compensations and of wage garnishments.

  • Verification of the calculation.
  • Performing of the calculation.

Elaboration of payrolls and social securities (TC1/TC2)

Processing of the highs, lows and variations in the TGSS

Processing of the reports of common disease to the INSS

Processing of the accident reports

We help you with your employees

We keep an Easy and Fluid communication

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