Financial consultancy

Financial advice consultation

Finances are analysis
not intuition

We serve you in a personalized way

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Puede ejercer sus derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación y Oposición dirigiéndose a Gestión y Finanzas, en la dirección Calle Rafael Alberti (esquina Avda. Constitución) Edif. El Cine, oficina 3A - 29670 San Pedro Alcántara (Marbella), o en la dirección de correo electrónico:

You will have a manager for your business

On-site Attention

We believe sometimes it is important to talk about issues face-to-face

Our team will answer you by phone

Telephone Attention

We put at our client’s service the most complete platform in the market

You can access your documentation through our platform

Access to Documentation

You can access all your documentation in real time through our platform

Financial consultancy services

What does our financial/banking service include?

  • Decide upon all of the Operational and Financial measures the company will have to undertake to maintain their “financial health”.
  • Compose a continuously actualized Banking Case File of the company useful for any financing proposal.
  • Develop and carry out (along with the entrepreneur), all of these operational and financial measures.
  • Review all of the banking due dates for the next 12 months.
  • Elaborate each proposal for the Banks, submit it, negotiate it and defend it personally along with the entrepreneur.
  • Negotiate along with the entrepreneur before the strategic Providers and before the Public Organisms (Public Finance and Social Security).
  • Coordinate any economic and financial problems before the law firms that deal with the mercantile, work-related, civil and insolvency.
  • Constantly advice about the corporate operations of the company (sale of stockholder packages, fusions, acquisitions, corporate partnerships…).

This service is aimed primarily at small to medium companies:

  • To those entrepreneurs who truly want to devote their time to what matters: selling, finding and keeping customers (instead of “playing the part of Finance Directors”).
  • To those entrepreneurs who want to improve their creditworthiness and those who want to ensure the generational relay with the support of a financial-banking professional.
Financial advice and professional banking

We keep an Easy and Fluid communication

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